• Technical problems?

    In the following, we have compiled some important information that will help you to find a solution. You can find a l...
  • Videos are not playing

    If the videos are not playing properly, please try an alternative browser. If you are using Windows, it may also help...
  • Virus scanner / ad blocker

    Virus scanner / ad blocker We are aware of problems in interaction with some virus scanners and ad blockers. Do you h...
  • Clear cache

    Faulty page display The pages look somehow "unfamiliar" or "broken" to you? Buttons don't work as they should? Then p...
  • Create screenshot

    Windows 7 and older Press the Print key(in the upper row of keys to the right of F12). Your computer will create a co...

Still at a loss?

JOYclub Support team will be happy to help and can answer any questions you may have.