Faulty page display
The pages look somehow "unfamiliar" or "broken" to you? Buttons don't work as they should? Then probably the page or a component (e.g. the stylesheet or a JavaScript library) was not transferred correctly and is now stuck in your browser cache. Here, it simply helps to clear the browser cache. How this works is described below.
What is a cache?
The browser cache is a fine thing in principle. This is where the browser stores web pages, images and other stuff that has already been downloaded once on your hard drive. This way, you don't have to reload background images or recurring graphical elements of a page every time, for example. The disadvantage: If the file was transferred with an error (which happens rarely, but can still happen), then this defective file remains there for the time being and is displayed incorrectly every time it is called. The only solution is to delete this file or the whole cache, so that the file is requested again by the server and hopefully transferred without errors.
Clear cache
Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select "Settings". A new window will open. | |
First select the "Privacy & Security" section. Then scroll down a bit and click on "Clear Data.." in the "Cookies and Site Data " section. |
After restarting the browser and accessing the JOYcub pages, erroneous data should have been replaced by a new version from the server.
Google Chrome
Call the URL "chrome://settings/clearBrowserData" by pasting it into the browser's address bar. In the window that opens, select the "Clear cache" item by placing a check mark there and click "Clear browser data". |
Then close the browser and restart it. If you now open JOYclub, it will reload the page with the latest data and (hopefully) correctly.
Click on "Opera" in the title bar of the browser. From the menu that opens, select "Settings" and the sub-item "Clear Internet Traces". A new window will open. |
Now check the box "Clear the entire cache" and click "Clear" again at the very bottom to confirm. |
Now you have to close the browser and restart it. If you restart JOYclub now, any display problems should be solved.
Internet Explorer
Click in the menu bar on the top right on the small gearwheel symbol or press the keys Alt + X simultaneously. In the menu that opens, click on "Internet Options". | |
In the window that opens, click on the "Delete..." button in the "General" tab in the "Browsing History" section. | |
A new window will open, click on "Delete Temporary Internet Files" and confirm once again. |
Done, that's it. Now close the windows by clicking on "Close" or "OK" and close all browser windows.
If you now restart your browser and open the JOYclub pages, it should also reload the faulty files correctly.
To empty the cache, click on "Safari" in the menu bar and then select the menu item "Clear history and website data".
In the next window you can delete the entire history. Finally, close the browser and restart it. If you now open JOYclub again, any display problems should be solved.
iOS - Safari
Go to: General iPhone/iPad/iPod settings and select "Safari". If you want to clear history as well as cache, select "Clear history and website data".
If you don't want to clear history, go to "Advanced" and select "Website Data".
Then click "Remove all website data".
Android - Google Chrome
Open the browser's menu by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner. Then click on "Settings"
Next, select "Privacy" and click "Clear browser data"
After that, you can choose which data to delete and click "Delete".
Android - Firefox
Open the menu by tapping on the three dots in the top right corner of the browser and select "Settings".
Go to "Privacy" and click "Delete now" under "Delete private data".
Select which data should be deleted and click on "Delete data".