Windows 7 and older
Press the Print key(in the upper row of keys to the right of F12). Your computer will create a copy of your current screen content. Make sure that you can see the actual problem. The image has been placed on the clipboard, so you don't realize that anything has happened yet.
To display and save the file, first open an image editor. For example, under Start - Programs - Accessories - Paint. If you don't find it there, you can also press the Windows key at the same time as the R key and enter mspaint in the text field that opens.
Now the Paint program window should open. With the key combination Ctrl + V you can now paste the image from the clipboard. You should now see the screenshot. Now you can save the image in the menu under File - Save as. Please select JPEG as file type.
Done - you can now attach the screenshot file to your support request or ClubMail.
Windows 8/10
With Windows 8 and 10 you can easily take screenshots without any additional tools. The combination Windowskey + Print creates a screenshot of the current monitor display and saves it in the folder C:\User<username>\Pictures\Screenshots.
Windows 10
To take a screenshot with Windows 10, press the Ctrl + Print key combination. Then open the Paint program and paste the copied content using the Ctrl + V key combination. Save the entire screenshot as JPG or PNG.
On the Mac you can easily take a screenshot. Use the key combination Cmd + Shift + 3. Your Mac captures the entire screen and saves it as a file with date and time on the desktop. The file name has the form Screenshot 2015-04-27 at 08.45.00.png.
Mobile devices
On mobile devices, you can take a screenshot using a key combination. The combination varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and depending on the operating system. For the one that corresponds to your device, it's best to consult Google.
Our search term tip: [device name/model] screenshot