Profile details Your profile is the heart of JOYCE and your personal signboard to get to know new members. On your profile you have v...
Profile text With your text you can introduce yourself to the other members. Remember that this, along with a profile picture, oft...
Profile visitors At the bottom of your profile you can see your profile visitors. Clicking on the list opens the display of all visito...
Change basic data You have moved or are living in a new place for a longer period of time and want to be found by other members there? ...
Invisibility mode When you select Invisible mode, your online status is hidden, which means you can casually look around. Your profile ...
Change relationship status Have you had any private changes? Adjust your relationship status profile information directly from your profile in t...
Pause or delete profile In the settings you will find the option "Pause or delete profile" under "Manage account". Please note that deleting ...