As a company profile you have extended possibilities to manage your profile.
These options differ depending on the profile category.
Display name
As a company profile you have two names.
One is your member name, with which you log in. You can change it at
The other is your display name. This name appears in your profile.
You can change your display name at
Opening hours
As a location you can set fixed opening hours in your profile management.
At you can store opening hours for the individual weekdays, as well as create special opening hours.
These fixed opening hours generate events automatically on a regular basis.
These events then appear in your event management at and can be edited and converted to real events.
Registrations for these opening hours are automatically activated.
Attention: Every time you save an event in the profile management, new opening hours will be generated. If you do not want this, please remove the fixed opening hours.
Vacation function
Also in the club administration you have the possibility to enter vacations.
You choose a period of time, in which an absence message will be displayed in your profile.
Attention: The set vacation period has no influence on stored opening hours. These are generated independently of the vacation and displayed in the profile.