Besides the option to start a livestream spontaneously and directly, you also have the possibility to schedule a stream as an event.
You can find upcoming event livestreams on our stream overview page under Upcoming event livestreams.
A scheduled event livestream offers you the following advantages:
Your stream is announced in advance with an event page and your viewers can schedule time to watch your event.
- An upcoming event livestream is presented on our stream overview page and potential viewers become aware of your stream.
- With the link to your event page, you can actively promote your stream in advance and see how many members are interested in joining.
- All JOYclub members can participate in event livestreams - even those who do not have a premium membership. So you can reach more members!
Create an event livestream
You can create your event stream via the event form: My Events - JOYclub
Here under 'Location/Access' you choose the option online with JOYclub-Livestream and fill in the rest of the information about your event stream.
Under "Registration settings" you have the choice to have all registrations confirmed automatically. This will automatically give access to all viewers who register for your stream. If you choose to confirm registrations individually (waiting list) ,you can decide which members will participate in your event stream.
If you' ve created your event livestream with a waitlist, members won't be able to join spontaneously once the event starts. Therefore, it might be a good idea to switch your event to automatic confirmation shortly before the start of the stream. Note that you only changethis setting so that your event does not have to be checked again. |
Once you have filled out the event form completely and saved it, it will be checked and released. This can take up to 24 hours. You will receive a message when your event page is online. Now the members can register for your stream.
Here you can find more information about event creation and management.
Start an event livestream
Once your event has been successfully verified, you can join the stream in advance from your event page by clicking Join Now. This way you can prepare and test before your audience joins at the start time of your event. Also, the members you have set as permanent mods can join your stream before the event starts and support you.
You can re-enter your stream at any time beforehand via your event page. Note that you do not close your streamif your event has already started .If you press the cross or end streamafter your start time, your event is automatically over and can no longer be entered. |