Levels of Communication | Moderation Tips | Critical Situations | Editing Content | Polls | Trashcan Thread | Archive | Dates | Newsletter | Photo Actions | Advertising | Mod Area | Forum | Editing Threads and Posts | Handling New Content in the Forum | Pinboard | Pictures | Exchange with Other Group Moderators | AI/AI in the Groups
Understanding communication
The four-sided model by Friedmann Schulz von Thun
In a conversation - whether real or virtual - the "sender" basically sends four messages with his message, while the "receiver" receives four different messages. You should therefore consider the following levels in your communication with your members:
Level: Factual information
This level contains purely factual information: data, facts and circumstances. The sender's task is to convey the information clearly and understandably. The receiver then checks the following criteria: Truth (true/untrue), relevance (of concern/irrelevant), sufficiency (sufficient/needs supplementation).
Level: Self-revelation
This level conveys - consciously or unconsciously - the self-image, motives, values, emotions, etc. of the sender. The receiver pays particular attention to involuntary self-disclosure.
Level: Relationship statement
This level clarifies how the sender relates to the receiver. The sender expresses appreciation, respect, benevolence, indifference, contempt, or the like. Depending on which message reaches the receiver's relationship ear, the receiver feels accepted, appreciated or patronized.
Level: Appeal
This level contains openly (request) or covertly (manipulation) a request to do something or to refrain from doing something. The recipient examines what behavior might be expected of him or her.
What problems can occur when communicating?
Since the sender and receiver very rarely speak the same language on all four levels, the receiver often hears and understands something other than what the sender originally meant and said. This makes interpersonal communication prone to misunderstandings and subsequently leads to conflicts.
For example, an example from road traffic with the statement "It's green!" can be understood as follows:
* The traffic light is green. (factual information)
* I am impatient. (Self-revelation)
* I have to watch out for you. (Relationship statement)
* Drive off! (Appeal)
Tips for moderating groups
* In written communication on the Internet, you cannot make use of your voice, body language, and facial expressions to clarify the intended content of your statement. Therefore, in addition to the tools of written language, use selected smileys to specifically clarify your statement, especially in ambiguous situations.
* Check in the dialog whether your member receives correctly on all four communication levels. If necessary, ask questions and ask your counterpart for clarification: "Do I understand you correctly that you...?"
* Develop an understanding of your member's concern and communicate this: "I realize that this topic touches you. Do you want to get something done, it helps to respond matter-of-factly and..."
* Use "I" messages for feedback to your member. This makes the member more accepting of your message and less likely to feel attacked. Instead of "You are doing... You are..." "I wish that...It bothered me that..."
* Make use of the level of self-revelation and encourage your member to communicate needs as well and to focus on common values in the group: "I wish for a basically appreciative cooperation, let's pay attention to mindful interaction in the group together."
* Use positive phrases and act in a solution-oriented way. Clarify to your member what is possible and less what is not: "In the future it will be better because..."
* Don't intervene in a high-boiling situation in a stressed way.
How do I act in critical situations?
The following emergency plan can help you in critical situations:
* Relaxed basic attitude: Avoid overly petty reactions. As a group leader, you should neither allow yourself to be provoked nor provoke others yourself.
* Friendly advice: Often a friendly advice helps to bring an escalating topic back on track. You should intervene in harmless disputes with a wink.
* Consult others: If a thread is getting out of hand, you can ask your moderation team for advice. If there is still a residual uncertainty, contact support.
* Edit/delete posts: Posts that contain insults, for example, you should edit or edit promptly. So that your procedure remains comprehensible, leave a note such as "insult deleted".
If you want to delete a post, please inform the creator by ClubMail, stating your reasons. An exception to this rule is if you are cleaning up a thread and deleting numerous off-topic posts.
* Locking/Deleting Threads: Before you delete a critical thread, lock it. This will prevent further posts from your members. However, justify this step in a final post.
Locking a thread should always be the last possible solution. Only consider doing this if all else has failed and you cannot justify leaving the thread open.
What do I do if a group member talks about suicide?
In general, you should always take a (credible) suicide announcement seriously.
* If the member is known to you (e.g. through mutual friends on the friends list, a telephone number or similar), contact the police directly with this data. Google in advance the phone number of the department that is responsible for the member. This way, the regional police can take care of the suspicion immediately.
Note: It is possible to report the suspicion to the police anonymously. Later inquiries are not possible in this way, but the police must also follow up anonymous tips if human lives could be endangered.
* If you do not have more detailed information about the person in question, activate the support. They will check what data is available about the member and contact the police directly.
* A suicide announcement within a thread can quickly raise the tempers of the other members. To avoid escalation, you can lock the thread or set it to Mod.
Editing content
What do I have to consider when changing content?
Every change or deletion should be commented and justified in the thread. A corresponding note with your signature is sufficient to show the member and your moderation team the reasons.
Example: Edit: Picture deleted because of contact details. - Name
Note: An exception to this rule is if you remove a double posting.
What do I have to consider for the FSK18 classification of posts and threads?
For youth protection reasons , explicit depictions of sexual acts in words and pictures must be classified as FSK18. The following classifications are possible:
* Free: the thread is completely youth-free.
* Free , only this post is FSK18: The first post of the topic is not adult.
* Free, only pictures in the thread are FSK18: The pictures of the thread are not adult. All members can view the posts with this, but only FSK18 approved members can view the images.
* Entire thread is FSK18: The entire thread with all posts and images is adult.
You can classify whole threads or single posts as FSK18 and mark them accordingly.
What does not belong in the group forum?
Basically, you should consider the framework of the community guide for content in your group. The following content stands out and does not belong in your group discussions:
* Mood mongering, personal agitation, petitions, or the like.
* Private stories without conceivable interest for others
* Email addresses, phone numbers, messenger contact information, private ClubMails or similar.
* Event information by third parties
* Spam or advertising content
Note: Content consisting of official support requests, criticism or suggestions for improvement concerning JOYclub do not belong in your group. These can best be answered by the JOY team itself. So refer your members to the support so they can get help accordingly.
How do I handle links in the forum?
Related links can be a valuable asset to your members and provide useful information.
Links can be judged by their link text.
* Links with obvious "pig stuff" will be set to FSK18.
* Links to sites that violate our taboos, are spam, or contain illegal material are to be removed.
* If you are unsure or do not want to click on a link, reporting it to support is the right thing to do.
How do I deal with foreign languages in the forum?
The exchange in foreign languages can be an enrichment for your group. Decide for yourself if you want to allow foreign languages or not and choose your two favorite languages accordingly. The only requirement is that you or a moderator of your team speaks the respective language.
For multilingual communication in a group it is recommended to create one thread or area per language.
How do I deal with locked threads in the forum?
Threads are automatically locked by the system after one year without activity. This also means that all observations are automatically deleted. You can reopen the thread if you are interested, but your group members will not get any information about it. Please inform them explicitly about the reopened thread, otherwise it will be locked again automatically after 30 days.
My group member wants to have posts deleted. Can I do that?
As the group leader, you can decide how to handle this request within the framework of moderation. If a member approaches you with an explicit request to delete their own posts, please refer them to support.
If necessary you can include a poll or detailed voting in a thread.
How do I create a poll?
Click on the button "Attach poll" when creating the thread. You can choose the type of poll, the options and the duration.
If you choose "normal poll" under "options", the poll will be anonymous for the participants. If you choose the option "public poll", the name and the answer of the participant will be displayed.
The poll automatically shows you a percentage evaluation of the results, so you can see the favorite answers at a glance.
Note: Polls cannot be moved to another thread.
Trashcan thread
You can move posts that are unusable or need to be archived directly into the trash can of your group. To do this, you must have a thread titled "Trashcan" with its visibility set to "Mod". This is automatically generated when the group is created and created in the "Moderators among themselves" area. You can then move the trash can to other forum areas as you see fit.
If you create several threads with the name "Trashcan" and the visibility "Mod", the newest thread is automatically used as trashcan.
Note: If you want to archive a trash can, you can rename it e.g. to "Post Archive". If you delete a forum post afterwards, a new trash can thread will be created automatically.
You should use the archive for all threads that are relevant to the group but are no longer current and/or locked. Since these are not deleted, you have to move them manually to the archive.
In contrast to the public forum it is allowed to post threads about personals and dates in your group. In addition, group members can link their dates directly to the group.
Note: The dates entered in the "Events & Dates" section are not your responsibility. Unlinking of unsuitable dates is possible via the support.
Inform and advertise
A newsletter offers you the possibility to publish group-relevant information on the pinboards of your group members and to receive an immediate feedback via the comment function or via thank-you-click. All recipients will receive a notification that leads them directly to your newsletter.
How do I create a newsletter?
To create a newsletter, go to "Administration" under "Newsletter". When filling out the form, please pay attention to:
* a concise title
* an informative message
* a crisp picture (optional)
How do I edit a newsletter later?
As soon as you have saved the created newsletter, it will appear on your personal pinboard. If you move your mouse or finger over the newsletter, a small white pen will appear. Click the button "Edit" in the options menu.
Can I delete a newsletter after it has been sent?
Yes, you can delete the newsletter after it has been sent. To do so, click on the small arrow and select "Delete this message" in the options menu.
Note: If you as the sender remove the newsletter from your wall, it is also deleted from the walls of all recipients. Likewise, the associated notification will be deleted.
What are the rules for sending a newsletter?
There are the following guidelines for sending a newsletter:
* A maximum of one newsletter per week may be sent.
* The newsletter may not contain external links, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or similar.
* A newsletter is not intended to address internal group issues.
* Only messages with a concrete reference to the group should be sent.
* The newsletter may not be used as an advertising or spamming opportunity.
Photo actions
A photo campaign gives you the opportunity to share pictures with your members on different occasions or to create a contest together and choose a winning photo.
How do I create a photo campaign?
You create a photo action by clicking on the button "Create new photo action" in the "Administration" under "Photo action". This will open a corresponding form.
Choose a concise name for the photo action and formulate a meaningful description. Optionally, you can also insert a picture. Also choose the desired start and end date.
Decide what kind of photo campaign you want to start:
* Photo action (without rating): interesting pictures are shared with each other
* Photo campaign (with rating): the submitted pictures are rated and a winner is chosen
* Advent calendar: the deadline for participation and the end of voting are automatically set to 30.11. of the year. The 24 best placed photos then form the group advent calendar
Set how many entries each group member can submit to the promotion and when the details of the participating group members as well as the ratings by the group members will be displayed.
Finally, under Display Status, select the form in which the promotion should be publicized in your group.
Can I offer a prize for photo actions?
Yes, you can offer a prize for group-relevant photo actions (with rating). At the end of the promotion, the winner will automatically receive a ClubMail with a voucher for selected ClubMail specials.
How do I limit the visibility of the thread for my event?
If you have organized a group event in which only your group members should participate, please set the corresponding event thread to "private" as well. To do this, edit the initial post and adjust the "Visibility" item accordingly.
Note: Group events in which the keyword "children" appears (e.g. barbecues, Christmas market visits, joint excursions with childcare, etc.) are generally considered "private" events. In this way, you can avoid possible misunderstandings about this sensitive topic right from the start.
Can my event also be edited by my co-moderators?
As the organizer, you decide when creating your event whether only you or your group moderators can manage the event. To do this, please select "Release for owners only" or "Release for group mods as well" under "Group assignment" in "Administration".
Note: Especially in case of possible sickness absences or the like, your co-moderators can thus also access the event administration.
As a group leader you can decide if you want to allow advertising in your group or not.
* Advertising for events is allowed in the event calendar as well as in the automatically generated event thread and thematically matching groups.
* Private date searches for your own event are not allowed by the organizer. However, there is the possibility to refer to the event via the pinboard by status message.
Note: Advertising for events of third parties is not allowed.
If I choose to advertise, do I have to allow all advertising?
No, if you choose to advertise in your group, you do not have to allow all advertising.
Criteria can be
* the thematic relation to the group
* the organizer meets the criteria for group membership
* the group is related to a club or event series
How do I advertise our group events?
You can advertise group events (like a Stammtisch meeting) only in the group or also in the event calendar. The automatically generated event thread is in your group.
How do I handle advertising for products?
Decide whether you agree in principle with product advertising in your group or not, regardless of whether it is a commercial or private provider.
Mod area
The mod area is automatically generated when the group is opened and can only be viewed by the group leader and the co-moderators. This way, internal arrangements can be made quickly and are comprehensible for all members of your team. In this area you can, among other things, discuss administrative tasks, document disputes with members and/or create a trash can.
Mod-Threads are also essential in the exchange with the JOY-Team, which can get in contact with your team faster and easier in case of support complaints from members or similar. This way you can ensure that everyone receives the same information and that the JOY team's specific request is answered in a timely manner.
The group forum offers you many possibilities to structure your group. In the following, you can find out what to pay special attention to in a group forum and get answers to everyday questions.
Structure of the forum into topics
The forum of your group can be structured into individual topics. This gives you as the group leader the possibility to give your group a clear forum structure. The forum areas are the subforums of your group forum. You can assign the new as well as the previous topics to them and thus make the forum generally "tidy".
The start page of the group forum is structured according to the forum areas and shows the most current topics from each area at a glance. Due to the system, it may take a few minutes for changes to be displayed.
How do I create sections for the forum?
You can create new areas for the forum in the "Administration" under "Forum". There you will find the category "Forum Area". If you click on "Create new area", a window with two boxes will open: In the upper field you write the desired name of the forum area. In the lower box you can optionally enter a short description. If you click on "Save", the forum area is created.
How do I assign individual topics to the areas?
To move a thread into a desired forum area, you have two different possibilities:
* You go in the corresponding thread to the initial post and click on the white arrow and in the options menu on "Edit post". With this you can move it under the point "Area" into the intended forum area.
* Below the thread you will find an options menu, select "Move topic" and then the desired forum area. You can also decide whether you want to notify the observers of the target forum about the topic.
How do I delete a topic?
As a group leader you can delete topics. Go to the "Administration" under "Forum" to "Forum areas". Click the pencil symbol next to the forum area you want to delete and then click the "Delete" button.
Topics contained in the area will not be deleted, but automatically assigned to the main forum. From there you can assign them to a new topic. Alternatively, you can move the topics first and then delete the empty forum area.
Editing threads and posts
How do I make thread settings?
To set a thread to "Public", "Normal", "Private" or "Mod", click on the white arrow in the initial post and select "Edit post". There you can make the mentioned settings under the item "Visibility".
If you want a thread to be listed directly at the top of the forum, e.g. to announce an event or to pass on important messages to the group, please select "Important" under "Highlighting" in the settings in the initial post.
How can I lock, open or remove a thread?
You can lock, open or remove a thread via the options menu below the thread. With the "Lock" you open or lock the thread. Use the "Trash can" to remove the thread.
Note: Threads can be locked by the group leader and the co-moderators, but can only be deleted by you as the group leader. As a general rule, please do not delete any threads except for game threads, chat corner threads, and contact threads. Rather, move them to the archive set up for that purpose.
How do I edit posts?
You can edit a post by clicking on the white arrow next to the date and selecting "Edit post" from the options menu.
How do I move posts?
You can move a post to another thread by clicking on the white arrow next to it and selecting "Move post" from the options menu.
Type the first four letters of the target topic and select the desired topic from the list of suggested topics or copy the link of the thread you want to move the post to in advance and paste it into the white text field. Finally click on "Move post".
Note: Posts are always sorted by date, with the oldest post on top and the newest on the bottom.
How do I move posts to the trash can?
To remove a post, click on the white arrow and select "Move post to trash" from the options menu. The post will automatically be moved to the trash can of your group.
How do I edit pictures in the forum?
If a photo in a thread violates the JOYclub rules and you need to edit it, please use the edit button of the corresponding post.
Dealing with new content in the forum
What is to be considered with new topics?
The title of the topic should speak for itself and the content should not become clear only by reading the whole post. To ensure that the topic meets the standards of the group, you can correct any spelling errors in the title of the first post.
The following should not appear in the title of a topic:
* Spelling errors
* unnecessary CAPITALIZATION
* excessive use of !!!=== special characters ===!!!
This is how you turn an inappropriate title into a more usable one, for example, and increase the quality of your group forum:
I am unsure: Should I remove the topic or allow it?
If you are unsure whether you should remove or allow a topic, first take a look at this article in the Help Center. If you still have questions, contact the JOY team via Support or use the "Notify moderator" button at the bottom of the topic.
What do I do if I want to remove a topic?
If a topic is not suitable for your group, it should:
* removed by you as group leader and
* inform the topic creator about the decision.
The wall is a thread in the group forum whose posts are displayed directly on the start page of your group. Here you can leave short, current messages for the group members.
How do I create a wall?
You can create a wall via the "Administration" of your group. To do this, go to the "Forum" section and to "Create new wall". With a click on "Create new start page thread" you get the wall, which is then anchored in the main forum.
Note: The wall will not appear on the group start page until you have written the first post after the automatically generated opening post.
In my group the pinboard is also used by members. Can I prevent this?
If you want the wall to be described only by you and the group moderators, lock it. To post a new post in a "locked" pinboard, click on the grayed out button "Post" - the lock does not apply to you as group leader.
Note: The observers of your wall will not be lost by manually locking it.
Can I empty the wall?
As a group leader, you can only empty the wall by deleting it. However, do this only in exceptional cases, because the wall is the first point of contact for group-internal news for many group members and interested parties.
Can I restore a deleted wall?
You can restore a deleted wall in the "Administration" under "Forum".
In all JOYclub groups the official basic rules for content according to the community guide apply. If you notice pictures that do not comply with these guidelines, please contact the support with the link.
Note: Pictures that violate the rules will be rejected by the JOY team as soon as the violation becomes known.
What do I pay special attention to with pictures?
In addition to our official guidelines, as a group leader please pay special attention to the following:
18+ images: You mark pictures with explicit depictions of sexual parts as age restriction of 18+. Without this marking and the associated protection of minors , these cannot be used in JOYclub.
Images with children: The depiction and illustration of children in a sexual context is of course also generally not permitted in JOYclub. Even seemingly harmless pictures with children can be rejected if you find them inappropriate.
Contact details: Posting contact information such as emails, real addresses and phone numbers is generally not allowed.
Exchange with other group moderators
The support team will be happy to provide you with advice and support. However, if you have any questions regarding the rules of the group, you should first consult the group manual. Many of your questions will be answered here.
Use of AI/AI in the groups
The use of artificial intelligence (AI/AI) in images and text increasingly dominates the media exchange and does not stop at JOYclub.
For moderation in your group, our guardrails for AI/AI in JOYclub will help you.