Mark notifications as read
There are two ways to mark notifications as read:
- You click on a notification in the popup list, which takes you directly to the thread or newsletter in question. When you open the popup list again, the entry no longer appears and is automatically filtered as read.
- In the popup list as well as on the notifications overview page, all unread messages are highlighted brightly and marked with a dot on the right. Clicking on the dot marks the message as read, and the dot turns into a ring.
In the popup list, the notification disappears immediately. On the overview page you will find the message again. If you only see unread notifications, uncheck "Unread only".
Mark notifications as unread
Go to the overview page for notifications and uncheck "Unread only" if necessary. This will show you all read and unread notifications. Click on the ring to change the status from read to unread. The ring becomes a dot again and the message is highlighted in light gray.