The contact management My contacts consists of three columns. On the left you will find your folders, in the middle your contacts and on the right useful information.
On the left side you can see already existing folders and you can also create new folders.
In the middle of the page you can see all your contacts or all contacts in a folder you selected. You can use the search function or the alphabetical sorting (ABC) to further limit the display.
To the right of the respective profile picture, in addition to the user name and gender, you will also see the rank of the contact (colored heart symbols), whether the contact has passed the authenticity check and whether he or she is personally known to at least five members or is a VIP (colored checkmarks).
In addition, you will find several buttons to the right of them, with which you can quickly and easily edit the contact.
Below the edit buttons you can see the online status of each contact.
Useful information
How many contacts you can remember, how many folders you can create and how many friendships you can make is shown on the far right of the page.
Directly below, you can see which events your contacts are participating in.