ClubMail Specials such as Rose, Kiss or Owl are special gimmicks that you can send as an attachment to other members to give them a gift, make them smile or express your appreciation.
What happens when I send a special?
Specials are more than just an attachment to ClubMail: They also change the recipient's profile. First, the special appears as a small picture in the recipient's profile photo. In addition, the background of the recipient's profile also changes. For example, if you send a rose, the plain black background will be replaced by a "rosy" background.
In JOYclub, there are both always available specials and specials that can only be selected on certain holidays or special occasions.
How can I send a special?
When you write a ClubMail, you will find all available specials lined up above the text window. Click on the desired special and it will be displayed in large size including the possible costs. As soon as you send the ClubMail, the recipient will receive a Special ClubMail.
You can change the selected special by clicking on another special.
If you don't want to send a special after all, you can remove it again by clicking on the X.
While some specials are free, others must be purchased with coins. More information about Coins & Specials can be found here. Furthermore, you cannot send all specials to all members. For example, you can only send the kiss to friends.
How can I see who has sent me a special?
You will be informed about every special via ClubMail. Next to the sender of the ClubMail you will find a small special symbol that shows you which special you have received. If you delete the message, you will no longer be able to find out who sent you a Special.
Specials at a glance: Rose, kiss, owl and co.
The rose Roses have been a symbol of love and friendship since ancient times. When someone sends you a rose, they want to please you and show how much they like you. |
The kiss Sending kisses is only possible to those members that you have on your friends list. |
The smile As a friendly gesture, you can send a smile to other members for 50 coins. The member receiving the gift can enjoy an icon on their profile picture for the next 24 hours until the special expires. |
Time-dependent specials
Every day specials appear at certain times.
The night ghost Every night at midnight it haunts JOYclub for 1 hour. |
The early bird Every morning from 4 am to 7 am he flutters around JOYclub. |
The morning coffee For a good start to the day, this can be sent from 7 to 9 am. |
The good night star This one gives you sweet dreams every night from 11 p.m. to midnight. |
Further specials
The Birthday Cake The Birthday Cake decorates a profile on the member's birthday and appears automatically unless you have turned it off in your settings. It cannot be sent by ClubMail. |
The champagne If it is a member's birthday, they can also send a glass of champagne to their contacts on this day, or have it sent to them as soon as they are contacted. |
The bee As a small gift JOY and group mods can award bees to e.g. particularly hard-working group members. For normal members, the bees are not available to send. |
The night owl As a small thank you for their tireless voluntary work for a well-functioning chat, our chat mods can send owls to particularly attentive chatters. For normal members, the owls are not available to send. |
The Harp Our JOY-Angels can send angel harps as a thank you for their voluntary and tireless efforts for a nicer forum. The harps are not available for normal members to send. |
The Compass With their knowledge of JOYclub, our JOY-Guides are the always helpful supporters for orientation in JOYclub. As a thank you for their voluntary work they can send the compass. The compass is not available to normal members.
The donkey The JOY team rewards particularly ambitious members with this cute donkey. The donkey is not available for normal members to send. |
The ice cube With the ice cube you can show that you could melt at the sight of your counterpart. Once a month the ice cube is available to you free of charge. |
The full moon
The Sun Bunny |
The popcorn bunny Long time no see? Together with JOYsi, invite welcome guests to drop by your livestream once again.
There are also other seasonal or event-related specials, such as a sun at the beginning of summer.
A positive togetherness pays off. Especially exemplary participation in the livestream chat can be rewarded by permanent moderators and let the sun rise together with JOYsi.