What are compliments?
Compliments are a way for other members to rate your content, similar to "likes" or comments. For example, your pictures, videos and status messages can be rated positively by other members.
Once compliments have been given, they cannot be taken back or deleted, so a given compliment is sent permanently.
Overview of compliments
All compliments you have received are listed under compliments. There you will also find an overview of new compliments as well as compliments you have given.
In this overview, you will see all compliments of the last 30 days, but only a maximum of 1000 compliments in total.
If you have received more than 1000 compliments within the time window of 30 days, only the latest 1000 compliments are visible.
Direct notification of new compliments
You will be notified about new compliments.
If you have activated the setting " ClubMail for compliments" under ClubMail & Notification Settings > ClubMails, you will also receive information via ClubMail.